Dental X-Ray
At The Present Time One of the best advantages of utilizing digital RVG x-rays is that patients feel much more comfortable even when the radiographs are taken for the respective tooth or related structure. It provides amazing resolution of the tooth and nearby structure on the digital screen which helps in speeding up the dental treatment without any guesswork or confusion.

What are its Advantages?
- Less radiation : there is 70-80% less radiation exposure to patients.
- Shorter dental appointments : the x-ray image is developed instantly, so there is no waiting time.
- Higher quality images : digital x-rays can be enlarged, brightness and contrast adjusted allowing the dentist to read x-rays more efficiently.
- Dental records transfer : the image can be sent to other doctors immediately for additional review. A hard copy of the x-ray can be printed out and given to the patient.
- Environmentally friendly : since no chemicals are used to develop the film, there is no need for a darkroom or storage space.